Wie manche von Euch schon im Stundenplan oder im Stundenplan-Mail entdeckt haben, wird Cody ab nächster Woche immer wieder Stunden im Yogaraum übernehmen. Wir haben gemeinsam das Teacher Intensive in Boulder bei Richard Freeman und Mary Taylor absolviert und ich freue mich riesig, dass sich unsere Wege jetzt in Wien wieder gekreuzt haben. Damit ihr Euch schon vorab ein Bild von ihm machen könnt, habe ich ihn gebeten, ein bisschen über sich zu erzählen:
"The practice of yoga has been an integrative part of my life for nearly a decade. I recall the way I left after my first yoga practice. My mind felt calm in a way it had never before. After a short time of regular practice, I was able to sleep soundly after a handful of years of insomnia. My interest in Buddhism and contemplative practice grew quickly after this initial exposure, and within a few years time I found myself studying in Asia. I then returned to the United States, this time to Boulder, Colorado and finished my Bachelor’s Degree in Traditional Eastern Arts, where I was able to blend academic rigor with contemplative practice. I began teaching yoga at my university there. Also at this time, I began practicing at the Yoga Workshop, a world renowned studio that was conveniently located a few blocks from my home. At the Yoga Workshop I studied with Richard and Mary Freeman and later with Ty Landrum. In the summer of 2016, I attended Richard and Mary’s Teacher’s Intensive in Boulder, Colorado. There I was able to learn the art of Astanga Vinyasa from two of Astanga’s most esteemed representatives. At the end of this, I sold my truck and moved to London to begin a Master’s in Yoga and Meditation Traditions. I finished my Master of Arts just last year. My thesis is on the inception and development of Buddhist meditation, and is based on primary and secondary sources of philosophical and historical literature.
My life and academic career have been shaped by the contemplative traditions of the ‘East,’ and the practice of yoga permeates my day to day life in remarkable yet simple ways. I firmly believe that yoga and its counterparts such as Buddhism offer tangible means to improve one’s physical and emotional well-being. The physical practices are only the tip of the iceberg, but are themselves wholly beneficial. I think that for whatever reason one comes to the practice, it can offer not only that but much more. I have had the great privilege to meet many dedicated practitioners around the world, and I am reassured in meeting them that these ancient systems and practices work and do have a valuable role for our modern civilization. In fact, as our world progresses, and advances technologically, I think it is more and more important that we take time to be with our bodies and minds and to create stillness for ourselves amidst the ever-quickening pace of things. Teaching yoga and meditation is the next step in my yoga practice and I look forward to working with new students here in Vienna."
Übrigens: Cody's Unterrichtssprache wird Englisch sein, aber er spricht auch schon ein bisschen Deutsch.